Cookie Policy

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The terms used in this policy mean:

  1. Administrator - means a natural person, namely Matusz Rzetecki running a business under the company THE CLARITY Mateusz Rzetecki with headquarters in Łódź, ul. Rolnicza 59A/58 (93-328 Łódź), based on an entry in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity with the following VAT number: 6681926166 and REGON (registration number): 368276116, email:
  2. Cookies  cookie file - mean IT data, in particular text files, saved and stored on the User's end devices, such as a computer, laptop, smartphone, intended for using the website
  3. User - means a natural person with full legal capacity and a natural person with limited legal capacity to the extent that he/she may acquire rights and incur obligations in accordance with the provisions of generally applicable law, a legal person or an organizational unit which is not a legal person to whom the law applies legal capacity, using the Rebate Website


  1. The Administrator uses in particular the following cookies:
  1. Session cookies - which are temporary files that remain on the User's end device until the website  is closed.
  2. Permanent cookies - constituting files remaining on the User's end device for the time specified in the Cookie files parameters or until they are manually removed by the User.
  1. The Administrator indicates that in some areas External Cookies may be used, placed by entities other than the Administrator, via other websites. The Administrator reserves that it may not have an impact on the selection of External Cookies and the policy used by these entities. 


  1. The Administrator indicates that the information collected using Cookies is necessary to correctly adapt the services and content to the individual needs of the User, including in particular by adjusting them to the User's preferences. Cookies are also used to compile general statistics on the Users' browsing the website In addition, cookies are used by the Administrator to:
  1. Maintain session status on, automatic completion of forms, as well as remembering website settings made by the User;
  2. Optimization of Users' use of;
  3. Displaying promotional messages and advertisements based on Users' preferences;
  4. Adaptation of displayed information to Users' locations;
  5. Defining the Users' preferences of
  1. Based on Cookies, the Administrator collects anonymous information and processes data on Users' trends and preferences. Cookies are not used to identify the User and their identity is not established on their basis.


  1. The software used for browsing websites by default allows cookies to be placed on the User's end device. Such settings can be changed to block the automatic support of Cookies or inform about them each time they are sent to the User's end device.
  2.  The detailed information on the possibility and the ways of supporting cookies is available in the settings of the web browser. Disabling the option to save cookies does not disable the possibility of using the website, however, it may cause difficulties or prevent some content from being displayed.
  3. The User may delete cookies at any time and for this purpose, the User should refer to the appropriate settings of the web browser.